Saturday, 20 August 2011


In a time when everything is shaky, God unreservedly continues to pour his Spirit out to the hungry and thirsty souls. Those who had been in the dry land, yet, believed there will be an outpouring, are now driven by the Spirit of God.

It's time to sound like the voice of God. The true meaning of God's message, needs to be conveyed to the remnants. Today's world is seriously in a dying state. Every warning is stirring at us, as 'open wounds,' which can not be touched. People are crying every where. Anger flares up on the streets of London. People are demanding answers to unheard questions in their hearts. The good news is, no one says where is God when these things are happening? Rather, are there true leaders who understand the sign of time?

The time for the church has come. It's been long. God is pouring out the missing puzzles to complete the jigsaw for the Ark of the hour. The generation to take the church to the desired destination are rising with the outpouring of the last days.

Where Are We?

Africa had her time. God gave the Africans the opportunity, after which they embraced the gospel and were delivered from paganism into the light of the Son of God. With an opened heart received the truth of Salvation. With this truth, revival began in Africa, especially in Nigeria, the west coast of Africa. Though many internal wars had risen to bring Nigeria down, nevertheless, the early fathers embraced the truth which still speaks for the nation. The fire of the gospel spread all across Africa, with deep marks of Salvation. However, few had the glimpse of Gods' bigness and the secret of his presence. Therefore, it soon became a story to tell for another generation.

England had her time. The land where many were once persecuted and burnt alive with their faith, later became the place which authenticated the facts of the gospel. The truth of the gospel was carried to different parts of the world. As at then, nothing much of charismatic, however, the truth burns with fire within their souls.

Europe had their time. Unbelievably, God gave the whole world the real grace of the gospel. Indeed, he came to set the captives free. From different parts of Europe, revival had spread to the whole world. What exactly caused the continuous move of the Spirit to stop? When your visitor is no longer welcomed in the house, you lose his smile and his presence.
Nothing had ever stopped the spread of the gospel. However, the Spirit had been stopped countless of times. How could this be possible? 

America had worked along side the purpose and the will of God more than any nation of the world besides Israel. The hand of God was truly upon America in a big way, and still was.  Its effect will never be unforgettable. God is breaking America, and this will continue. It is impossible that America will lack true preachers. However, many false religions had invaded the land.

Today, God is visiting every nation in order to fulfil his promises. The outpouring of the Spirit had begun in an unprecedented way. No one can predict what is truly going on, surely, we are very close to something. The world called it, "The Big Bang"! However, I believe the return of Christ is very close. The gospel had spread in many forms. It sometimes may spread with the move of the Spirit, and other times without the move of the spirit. Without doubt, the Holy Spirit is now here, both to spread the gospel, and to carry us into the Ark for the rapture.

The outpouring of the Spirit has begun. It is the move of God. God is here with us, and hereby fulfilling his word daily. You can visit our channel on the link below